Kada sam se probudila ovog jutra moja mama me je cekala sa 3 kese sa tkaninama. Bila sam odusevljena kada sam shvatila da su za mene!!! Nisam mogla da odolim da vam pokazem moje nove tkanine. Ne mogu da docekam da napravim neke magicne stvari :) Evo i slika!!!
When i woke up this morning my mother was waiting for me with 3 bags of fabrics. I was trilled when i realised those are for me!!! I couldn`t stop myself from showing you my lovely new fabrics :) Can`t wait to use them and make some magic stuff :) Here are pictures!!!
When i woke up this morning my mother was waiting for me with 3 bags of fabrics. I was trilled when i realised those are for me!!! I couldn`t stop myself from showing you my lovely new fabrics :) Can`t wait to use them and make some magic stuff :) Here are pictures!!!